Sunday, May 5, 2024

Fairy Walk at Salmon River

It was a cold April morning but the river was lovely. 
A great place to walk among the fairies!

My daughter and my two granddaughters joined me
 for the activity celebrating spring 
and the mystical folk of the woods.

Violet has a passion for making potions.

Lily likes to roam the woods. 
She looks like one of the fae in her elfin ears.

After making offerings for the woodland  folk, 
we had to place our offerings
 with gratitude in appropriate places.

The water fairies and the tree fairies 
hide in different places
 and have different tastes.

Rachel, a green witch, explained it all to us.

The moss fairies like to find something glittery
in their favored habitat.

We lost track of Lily but found her
along the stream bed, hidden away from sight.

Lily had been busy making a fairy house 
under a mossy bank by the river's edge.

We meditated with grandmother tree.
Our toes and noses were cold, 
but our hearts were warm with thoughts 
of these mystical beings of the early spring woodland
who would find our offerings --
even if we didn't find them.

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