
Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Day of Rain Ending at 4 and a Rain Storm at 4 the Next Day

Yesterday was a day of pouring rain that made up for our precipitation shortfall for the year. We are still under, but the rains yesterday were great for new plantings like our neighbor's bed and the grass that was reseeded after paving our cul-de-sac.  In the rain yesterday, I set up at art center in the basement alcove that has a view of the wide garden bed and the bird bath.  Today, I spent some time in my new arts & crafts area while the sun was shining, the skies blue and the birds visited the bird bath. Suddenly, it darkened and I looked out to see raindrops in the surface of the water.  I could smell the rain coming and right away, it began to rain again.  But we had some lovely weather before the sudden rain at four today.

We drove over the river to Wallingford to take the two extra bags of composted manure to Sara. We also took the yellow Adirondack chair that sat in the garden bed for a couple of years.  I also wanted to spray some fungicide on the hollyhock transplants she took from my garden. After all the rain, the fungus is "among us" again--and it's been 10 days since I last sprayed them.

Sara's climbing rose on her deck and the clematis at the front door were blooming.  Very pretty.

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