
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Butterflies and the Birdbath

With some new plantings around the birdbath, I hope to attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

Gaura has the common name "Butterfly Flower" because it has four petals like the four wings of a butterfly and the stamens resemble antennae. This one is 'Stratosphere' White, a Proven Winner Award Winner.  It's planted between the birdbath and my studio window, hoping to attract some butterflies and hummers for viewing up close from the window.

Penstemon is commonly called Beard Tongue and is similar to Foxglove or Digitalis but shorter in height.  The bloom has a lavender hood with a white throat.  It is next to the Gaura for the same reason stated above.

The other two new plants were Geranium  'Rozanne' and 'Laurence Flatman' or more commonly called Cranesbill.  The 'Laurence Flatman' is a dwarf variety. I planted it in front of the birdbath along the edge of the border where there are remains of primroses and spring bulbs to cover.  The 'Rozanne' found a home under the rose tree by the new bench.  It should bloom all summer and its leaves turn reddish brown for fall.

It's always exciting to add some new interest to the garden bed.  You always wonder if you chose a good location for growth and harmony of color and texture. The butterflies and hummingbirds are an added attraction!

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