Narcissus 'Sempre Avanti' |
Finally, some sunshine! After more than a week of rain, drizzle, mist, fog, and cold temperatures, the sun broke through the fog this morning. The daffodils by the bird bath drooped with their leaves and petals covered in water droplets. A few held their trumpets more upright like the large-cupped
'Sempre Avanti' shown above.
Non-blooming Viola Sorbet 'Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Babyface' |
My terra cotta garden frog near the garden hose liked the rain, but the violas have not yet bloomed. They were everywhere in the garden in early April last year (as shown in the banner photo behind the blog title), but are sparse and non-blooming so far this season, even though they are a variety that tolerates cold. I've heard that we are two weeks behind our normal bloom time with the damp, cold weather we've had this spring. If the sun cooperates this week, we may make up for lost time.
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