
Saturday, September 15, 2018

Mid-September and the Hummers Are Still Here

We've been expecting the hummingbirds to leave by the 15th, the traditional date, but we're still seeing them!  They could be other hummingbirds from up north now migrating south past us.  They are hiding in the asters and sipping in the butterfly bush.  I watched a Cooper's hawk snatch a lone goldfinch at the feeder yesterday.  I'd hide too because it was not a pretty sight to watch from my window.

There is something else new in the garden--morning glories!
They should be Moonflowers by the tag, but they seem to be blue--and open in the daytime.

The Monarchs are busy in the Sedum blooms.

And the bees love the asters.
With 3 inches of rain this past week, the garden is having a moment of renewal.

1 comment:

  1. DD,
    I have had a few straggler hummingbirds too. Obviously they didn’t get the memo to start flying south!
