
Monday, June 5, 2017

Gorgeous Day

It's a small garden but it gives me such joyous moments.
Our stand-alone condos are close together
but the patio feels private surrounded by plants.

This morning the Siberian Iris are resplendent against the greens
of foliage and background trees.

The mountain laurel are just blooming.
All five bushes look great this year.
It may help that we have pulled out of a two=year drought.

Back in the shade under the deck
the Violas are popping up in the gravel
near the fairy garden.

Froggie is loving it today.
Rain is coming in by noon
and will last through most of the week.
Good for rain-deprived plants
wanting to rejuvenate.

1 comment:

  1. How grand it looks all neat and tidy. Not so here as I tackle 5 1/2 acres. The wildflower seed I threw out have started to bloom along the driveway. It's like fairies came along...
