
Monday, May 22, 2017

A Real May Day

No rain
Not 90 degrees
No Nor'Easter winds
Just sun and clear skies and seasonable temperatures.

The grass is green.
The azaleas by the bird bath are in bloom.

The False Indigo is about to bloom.
The blue is incredibly vivid when they first burst out of bud.
I hope I can catch it this year!

I got out the fairy village but will
wait for the granddaughters to help me set it up.

The 'Miss Kim' Korean Lilac
is full of buds this year.
It blooms later than the French lilac bushes.

The Siberian Iris have a few buds hidden in the leaf blades.

The peonies are ready to pop also.
Lots of small buds (like last year)
which didn't do much.

But we're ready for June to "bust out all over."
Happy Memorial Day Weekend
to all gardeners
and garden lovers.

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