First surprise: Bamboo. Hundreds of varieties.
Turns out that these bamboo groves were experimental and date from the 1920s.
Second surprise: a Mediterranean garden.
These oranges were growing in a planting backed by
a stucco building wall painted a great yellow orange
which also warms the spot and allows the warm climate plants to thrive.
Third surprise: a rain garden near the lake.
Compared to the large rain garden near our lake at home, it was a small kidney-shaped swale that strained run-off before it entered the lake. The plants were native to Georgia so I didn't recognize many of them, especially this tree.
Third surprise: Crape Myrtle allee (which I recognized after a week in the South but wished I could have seen in bloom).
Easy clues to identifying Crape Myrtle: structure of limbs and texture and color of bark.
Other surprises: the tea bushes garden was not yet planted, the formal garden paths were laid out but not planted, the children's garden and the butterfly garden were just a sign saying "Future site". The bamboo maze paths and two story look-out were built but the bamboo not yet planted. Biggest surprise: I'll need to return in 3-5 years to see it all as I expected it to be.
I'm glad to see you are enjoying the south and love the live oak trees, too. I'm proud that I planted a white crape myrtle by my front door and intend to plant more.