Saturday, April 6, 2013

April 6, 2013 It's been a long time...

This little guy says it all!  It was a long, cold and snowy winter that followed a terrible end of summer 2012 and an even worse autumn.  But he/she stuck around to greet a weak sunrise on the first day of spring 2013.  At least the snow was melted off the roof by then!

And this gardener is ready to tackle the garden again.  In fact, today with the wind whipping but the sun shining, I did some clipping and raking trying to bring order to the beds once more.  It seems miraculous that after all the bad weather, plant disease, insects and other pests--the plants made it through to grow another year.

I found the missing sun dial in inches of mulch under the bird bath and set it in a bone dry basin.

Then I placed a newly purchased rain gauge near by with hopes that April will come through with showers to wet the earth and bring the plants to life.  You can see how dry the earth is--and that something is already eating the newly sprouting light green leaves in the lower right corner!
How can it be so dry when the snow totaled over 60 inches?
The mysteries of gardening!
And life, that we keep coming back for more...

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