
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Turkey Talk

I've seen and heard the wild turkeys the past two days. They must be telling me it's time to start my garden blog again.  We had snow over the weekend but most of it has melted away.  We have had so little precipitation this winter that I've had to add water to the bird bath each week.  This wild turkey didn't mind that a delivery truck used Bear Swamp Road behind him (but it is a sharp downhill decline that the photo is not depicting).  Most of the flock crossed the road earlier to follow the stream on the other side and continured up the ridge.

And then there are the bluebirds at the feeder with their feathers glowing in the sunlight which is getting stronger each day.

And this week I have also heard the mourning doves calling low and long.  At first, I thought it was an owl, but it was daylight. It has been a long time since I've heard the mournful call of the doves.
I guess it's time to get serious about these garden moments since the wildlife is calling.

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