It's almost Memorial Day.
The garden is blooming.
Irises are at their best right now.
I love the bright, solid color
of these old-fashioned ones
just like my great-grandparents planted.
The Korean Spice lilac
has already started to bloom.
With a few more days of warm sun,
they'll be in full fluff.
They already leave an amazing
scent on the spring breezes.
The poppies will burst their
furry pods soon, but the peonies
will probably open first.
Everything in its own time.
It's the same for the blog.
I have been out in the garden
since March when we cleared
some winter debris.
Next , I divided the lilies
and filled in some of
the empty spaces.
Then it was edging and mulching.
The fountain started bubbling
and the bench went out for seating
to watch the butterflies
later in August.
The bird bath stays out
all winter for the late fall
and the early spring
migrating birds.
Some hardy birds even
use it on sunny winter days
when it is not frozen.
The hummers were back mid-April
and we even saw some
Baltimore Orioles in mid-May.
He took some orange
despite the stiff wind
that ruffled his feathers!
The pots are planted up
around the house
on the high deck,
on the lower patio
and in the front of the house.
I've already used the chives
and parsley in recipes.
So, now it's time to kick back,
put sandals and shorts on,
sip some herbal iced tea
and wait for summer.
Yeah, right!
Time marches on
and the tasks pile up
But we love it:
This thing called gardening!