I hope he/she had some babies for 2023.
Well, the end of October is not the end of the garden this year. After a prolonged drought we have had a first month of the fall season that is wet and sunny and warm (not hot). I've emptied the rain gauge of two, three and five inches several times. And the plants show it! They held back during the drought, but are giving it their all with some increased rain, clear and sunny skies and moderate temperatures,
I've been emptying the planters as they look bedraggled or slipping in some mums to keep then looking full. We've had a couple light frosts but nothing has been hit hard. The stars of the planters this year have been:
Fishnet Stockings Coleus, a Proven Winner. It hit 3 feet high and the burgundy veining was outstanding. https://www.provenwinners.com/plants/plectranthus/fishnet-stockings-coleus-plectranthus-scutellarioides
Today it is rainy and stormy. Autumn begins at 9 p.m. tonight.
Yesterday was sunny, clear and cool. Fortunately, I did a bit of
deadheading and then went looking for my phone to use the
camera. The garden was full of bloom and bees and butterflies.
Here's a sampling of the colors, but no scents or flutters or buzzing.
We might be sitting listlessly on a chair on the patio
near the garden, cold drink on the table,
but too hot and lazy to reach for it.
Meanwhile the butterflies are busy
sipping nectar and pollinating,
right-side up, up-side down
and sideways--
never pausing.