Some differences in this year's garden compared to previous July 4th posts:
2015 |
The 'Limelight' Hydrangea (foreground) bush
has been moved to a neighbor's border.
Lily likes the fairy garden clear for sitting and playing
with the fairies and their things.
2016 |
Now Lily and Violet have clear access to the fairy garden.
Violet found it for the first time this weekend.
She will crawl in the new pebbles
which are round and smooth.
Lily likes them better on her toes, too!
Fairy garden 2016 |
This is the 'Endless Summer' Hydrangea last year, 2015.
2015 |
2016 |
And here it is this year--one
(1) bloom.
It's like an "I Spy" game to find it.
Tough winter for Hydrangeas!
2014 |
It's hard to tell from the 2016 photo above, but the Knock Out rose tree (2014 photo)
is now a bush rose perhaps growing from its graft
and surrounded by the 'Endless Summer' hydrangea and daisies.
The rose blooms are almost gone now --until the second bloom in the fall?
Hard to tell what this rose is going to do now...
2016 |
Tough year for Buddliea Butterfly Bush also.
The snapdragons are almost bigger than the hollyhocks.
2012 |
Same shot as above but what a difference in the butterfly bush and hollyhocks.
This is a July 4th shot also!
2013 |
2016 |
Here's proof of the old saying about perennials:
First year, sleep. Second year, creep.
Third year, leap!
That's the miracle of gardens--they change with the weather and time and whim.
You can tend them all you want, but you can never totally control them.